A little about me
I'm an infinitely curious person... I see myself more as a story-seeker than just a story-teller. I'm forever seeking ways to connect the what-if and why-not moments- the pivotal points of any grand narrative. I like to try and understand people: people as users - not just a demographic or psychographic definition, people interacting with brands- accepting them, rejecting or not even caring for them, people as a collective immersed in a media-fragmented, tech-fueled universe. Carefully untangling the web of connections and interactions between the nodes of People - Brands - Technology - New Media, I'm fascinated by the infinite amount of ideas we can create and insights we can curate by just watching and talking to others like us.
Professionally, I have spent 8+ years as a brand strategist at Ogilvy, Leo Burnett, Publicis and DDB, and helped narrate the stories of the biggest brands in Food & Beverage, Automotive, Telecom, and CPG sectors. This was right after doing my MBA in Comm. Mgmt. from MICA ('05) which happened soon after finishing my undergrad in English Lit. from Lady Shri Ram ('03). However, advertising was getting a little comfortable... yes! it was... So I thought of studying a little more which brought me to New York City. I just graduated from New York University where I studied Media, Culture, and Communication and my focus was People... and Technology!! Ha!
Last two years in the Big Apple have been crazy. An intellectually stimulating journey- often trying and tiring but totally awesome! (see me complain here!) I worked as an editorial assistant on Feminist Media Studies which helped me look at technology from a feminist perspective and inspired a lot of my academic papers. I recently finished editing and preparing two manuscripts for my professors: Arjun Appadurai's Banking on Words (2015) and Radha S. Hegde's Mediating Migration (2015). Super excited to see them in print!
I'm currently between ambition and realization- anxious to start a new project while using this time to explore new ideas, master the art (and science) of cooking, and putting my digital photo dump in some order!